Ever since I had Jacob, I have been on the lookout for organic, affordable products. Because who knows what chemicals our regular consumer goods carry, right? We don't know what those chemicals and preservatives do to our health, and to think we use these products on a regular basis! When my pediatrician's friend Dr. Neila Batucan found out that I only used cloth diapers instead of the disposable ones, she referred me to Human Heart Nature. This company sells affordable, Philippine-made, organic products. And I just recently found out, effective too! Their products come only from organic farmers in the Philippines who are able to produce to international standards. So not only are they pro-environment, they are also pro-Philippines. So far, I'm very happy I've gone organic.

Sis, what products did you try using from them? I too only use organic products on my baby. For now, she's using Burt's Bees. I really want to use Human Heart Nature's products as it is more affordable than Burt's Bees. But I've heard some reviews that their products are just so-so.
Hi Golden, the only products they have for kids are the shampoos and the big spray. So far I have been satisfied. As for the other products, I tried the toner, the royal jelly lotion, and the calendula & seaweed facial wash, hiyang naman ako.
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